Friday, 8 April 2011

Week Beginning 4th April

ALL DONE - 10 booster weeks completed!!  However 4 weeks until SATS and only 6 days in school!!!

Yep you heard correctly!  We now have completed our 10 week intensive booster sessions– WELL DONE.  However, that said, we now enter the Easter Holidays for 2 weeks, and then come back to school for only 6 teaching days (in the first 2 weeks), before your SATS.  Therefore you cannot afford to just completely relax over Easter and let all the hard work you have put in over this past term go to waste.  Keep regularly practising and revising, so you  remain working at the highest standard.  Homework has been left fairly loose over Easter, to try and fit in with you plans for a holiday, so what follows are suggestions to help you and your parents with regular revision.  Remember LITTLE and OFTEN is the best way.

Have a go at the attached mental maths sheets

Write a holiday diary.  Try and write a little each day before bed, what you have been upto , interesting things you have seen… Attempt to cover all 6 major genres in your diary (you may write a narrative on one day, recount an event the next, procedure the next and so on…)

As always check out the BishBlog for regular updates on revision throughout the holidays, comment and question and you complete homework.  Also we have set up access to Espresso revision resources for every year 6 child.  Check these out, and have a go.  The login details are as follows…

Enjoy your Easter, and see you in the Summer Term!
Mr Bishop.

Thursday, 17 March 2011

Week Beginning 14th March

 Due to the fact that Year 6 have been working so hard all week, I need to catch up on some marking!!  Therefore there is a slight change to their homework this week.  Both Numeracy and Literacy homework is to create mind maps, or summarise their learning so far in a poster form for displaying around the year 6 classroom, stars and house points will be awarded not only for the most accurate and detailed information, but also for the brightest and most attractive posters!

Please remember that this coming week, sheets for parent consultations are also being made available in school.  Please sign up to discuss your child's progress.


Mr Bishop and Miss Ward

Thursday, 10 March 2011

Week beginnning 7th March 2011

Phew… we are 6 weeks into it, with only 4 booster weeks left. 
Congratulations year 6 you have now completed all 6 of the main genre types in literacy!  We now move onto more general revision for literacy, looking at skills that need to be present in all writing, regardless of genre.

Remember Friday next week is Comic Relief (Do something funny for money) - dress up as, ‘Where’s Wally!’  Also just a brief apology, with all the SATS boosters and general year 6 craziness, the Romeo and Juliet DVD is not quite finalised yet, it should be out sometime this coming week.  If you still haven’t ordered your copy and would like to do so, its not too late (£5 payable at the offices)

Enjoy your weekend, and don’t forget to get your parent to sign your

Mr Bishop and Miss Ward



Friday, 4 March 2011

Week beginning 28th February

Back into our regular routine!

I do hope your half term has been enjoyable and relaxing, however now we are back into the flow with our booster sessions.  With only 6 full teaching weeks this half term it is imperative that you complete the homework each weekend in order to support and consolidate our learning from the week.

As this is our first week back and we had a few unusual happenings (someone even said they spotted Batman at school whilst I was absent for a day!?), therefore homework this week is generic (the same) for all groups.  Try your best and don’t forget to get parents to sign your homework diaries.

Mr B and Miss Ward




Thursday, 10 February 2011

Week beginning 7th February

Well, what a week it has been...!

Three maths assessments, two writing assessments, 2 science assessments, 1 reading assessment, and a spelling test.  So what better way to round it all off than with a piece of homework lasting 83 minutes...

To coincide with year 6's production of Romeo and Juliet, why not go and see the film 'Gnomeo and Juliet' this weekend?!

Otherwise have a restful weekend, and I look forward to having a thoroughly enjoyable final week of half term during Shakespeare Week. (try and keep some revision going though!)

Wednesday, 2 February 2011

Week beginning 31st January 2011

Break Time

With 4 weeks completed, we are now into breaktime for a few weeks... however... this does NOT mean no more revision!

The next 3 weeks consist of...

  • Trial Assessment week
  • Shakespeare week (keep checking out the main blogpage for regular video updates of rehersals that week!)
  • Half Term

However don't panic I shall be providing regular revision activities and updates on these homework pages to keep you going.  Remember it is now that you need to demonstrate your ability to be an independent learner.  Don't neglect all the hard work you have been putting in this half term so far.

Remember ASSESSMENT WEEK next week, make sure your PMA (positive mental attitiude) continues throughout the whole week, good breakfast and lots of sleep.

Mr B




Tuesday, 25 January 2011

Week Beginning 24th January 2011

Keep Going!

We're nearly at the end of week 3, and with only one more booster week left until trail assessment week, it is important now more than ever to 'just keep swimming' (in the words of Nemo!).  Don't give up, I have been extremely impressed with year 6 and their determination to work hard and succeed in these extra booster sessions.  Remember 'your worth it'... "I am NOT a level, I only work at a certain level. This CAN and WILL change, depending on circumstances!"

Enjoy your weekend, and don't overwork!

Mr B






Thursday, 20 January 2011

Week Beginning 17th January 2011

Revision WEEK 2

Another week has flown by, and yet we have managed to pack lots of new learning into the lessons.  I do hope this new pattern of revision is helping support you and your child, please do come and speak to me if you have any questions or concerns.  This week we have been looking at RESPONSIBILITY, and how as members of the Suttons community we all have a responsibility to learn and take part.  Without everyone's involvement in school life the 'jigsaw' is incomplete.  Check out the chat room for some ideas of the BIG questions we have been asking ourselves this week. 

Chat Room

Please continue to ensure your child comes to school prepared to learn each day, plenty of rest the night before, and bringing all stationary and books with them. 

Thank you for your continued support.

Mr Bishop



Tuesday, 11 January 2011

Week Beginning 10th January 2011

Revision WEEK 1

With a new year you’ll see a new way of doing homework! It is now going to be set following on from the prior weeks learning, in order to consolidate.  It is split into the 2 main areas, Numeracy and Literacy.  In order to accurately assess and support your child's learning in the build upto SATS, I would appreciate it if you could allow them 30 minutes for Numeracy, and 30 minutes for Literacy over the weekend to attempt the relevant tasks on the sheet (with as little direct help as possible).  Could  you please jot down time taken to complete the work, and add any comments you feel appropriate for me to know below their work.  The idea is 1 hour of formal homework at the weekend, and 20 minutes informal, self directed homework per night during the week.  If your child uses the CGP books, websites or other books to support their revision during the week, please comment in their diary so that they can be rewarded in class. 

The homework each week will continue to appear on this page, however all relevant information and further help (including links) will be posted on... 

Once again thank you for all your help and support,

Mr. Bishop, Mrs Blake, and Mrs Gammans






