Friday, 17 December 2010

Week Beginning 13th December 2010

So this is Christmas....

It would be far too cruel of me to set holiday homework, especially as we only have just over a week to celebrate... so ENJOY THE HOLIDAYS... because...

When we return the work starts getting serious and you will need all those brain cells working harder than ever.  Please don't forget the parent SATs information evening the first week back (on the Friday).

Thankyou for all of your hard work and support (both parents and pupils) this term, we've had a blast!

Homework starts again next this space!


Jon Bishop

Friday, 10 December 2010

Week Beginning 6th December 2010

This Week ........

We have been learning about equivalent fractions in numeracy.
We have been learning how to  write our own blurb and review of 'Goodnight Mr. Tom' in literacy.  We have started reading a new book in literacy titled 'The Lost Thing'.
In history we are continuing our project on World War II.

This weeks homework

equivalent, fractions, whenever, meanwhile alternatively, despite, although, furthermore, consequently, improper.

All times tables, plus this weeks revision sheet...

And finally.....
To create a model of 'A Lost Thing'
Try and recreate a model (paper mache, boxes, card construction) thinking about textures, colours, shapes and materials.

Friday, 26 November 2010

Week beginning 22nd November

This week we have...

Been learning different mental strategies for adding and subtraction problems in Numeracy; learning about different dilalects spoken, taken from the book Goodnight Mister Tom in Literacy; in History we have been learning about Britain at War 1939-1945 and learnt about evacuation in the Big Write session.

On Monday we had an opportunity to go to the Science museum learning about different types of forces and took part in an interactive led session; looked at different inventions through History as well as spending time in the Launchpad experiencing various experiments.

This weeks homework is slightly reduced to allow a final push on your History WWII projects to take place place...

Dialect, dialogue, evacuation, article, accent, rounding, subtraction, multiples, strategy, total.

ALL x tables
See below...


Complete the newspaper article on Britain at War and the map started in the History lesson this week.

And finally next week....
Don't forget... Mr Pitty's last week with us is next week... plus, RINGO BROWN (SAM CLARK) is visiting on Wednesday 1st December... only 5 days to go. And if that wasn't enough... my BIRTHDAY...only 8 days to go... next week is going to be epic! Yippee, have an enjoyable and restful weekend.

Mr B.

Friday, 19 November 2010

Week Beginning 15th November

What a busy week it has been...This week we have started a new book study (Goodnight Mister Tom), been on a school trip to visit Floella Benjamin, had Transport for London come to visit, and learnt lots about angles, World War II, and light.  With this in mind, this weeks homework is mainly to re-enforce the learning already taken place...

nevertheless, although, however, neither, whether, finally, furthermore, angle, degrees, protractor.

5-10 x tables
See below...

This week we have been looking at reflections and how light is reflected.  In your Science books this weekend I would like you to perform a simple experiment.  To choose upto 5 different materials and make a prediction as to whether you think the surface will reflect light (if you think it can, how well).  Then test the material with a torch beam and record your results.  Finally, using a shiny mirror I would like you to write a secret message to me at the bottom of your work (in mirror writing!)

And finally....
Your child should have a number they have brought home with them (base on their position in the alphabet)... Could they make and decorate a box (NO larger than shoebox, no smaller than a mathchbox) and fill it with a treat.  This is going to form our advent calendar for the year, hopefully like below...!

Thursday, 11 November 2010

Week beginning 8th November

A gentle way back into school after the fun of PGL... below is this weeks homework.

obtuse // actute // grateful // helpful // activities // institute // transport // bombing // shelter // evacuation

1-5 x tables

Literacy (if not already completed in class!):
Finish off Floella Benjamins journey (game), and stick the game, letter, and handouts in your books - which you should've taken home!!

Maths Sheet:

Enjoy your weekend

2nd Autumn Term research project

The much anticipated wait it over!... Here it is a copy of your half term research project.  You will see it's due date is Monday 6th December, so plenty of time to produce a masterpiece!  The completed projects will be used for a display and you will be expected to know the content of your project, ready for presenting to the rest of the class (so NO straight copy and pasting from the internet please!)

I am looking for children who produce neat, presentable projects, that is their own work.  Please help support your child in this project over the coming weeks, if you have any questions let me know in their homework diaries please. 

Of course the usual homework routine of spellings, tables, maths sheet and a small amount of other subject homework will be set on a weekly basis (due in on the following Monday) - so keep returning to check updates as and when they happen.

Thank you in advance.

Mr B

Sunday, 7 November 2010


Don't forget, although we've just come back from the Isle of Wight, your first piece of homework is due in next Monday (15th November).  You should've picked up a slip with details of expectations on the Friday before half term, however if you've mis-placed it, here it is...

For those that stayed with Mr Pity and Miss Simmons, I'll check your homework tomorrow...! Don't worry you're not let off the hook that easily!