Friday, 19 November 2010

Week Beginning 15th November

What a busy week it has been...This week we have started a new book study (Goodnight Mister Tom), been on a school trip to visit Floella Benjamin, had Transport for London come to visit, and learnt lots about angles, World War II, and light.  With this in mind, this weeks homework is mainly to re-enforce the learning already taken place...

nevertheless, although, however, neither, whether, finally, furthermore, angle, degrees, protractor.

5-10 x tables
See below...

This week we have been looking at reflections and how light is reflected.  In your Science books this weekend I would like you to perform a simple experiment.  To choose upto 5 different materials and make a prediction as to whether you think the surface will reflect light (if you think it can, how well).  Then test the material with a torch beam and record your results.  Finally, using a shiny mirror I would like you to write a secret message to me at the bottom of your work (in mirror writing!)

And finally....
Your child should have a number they have brought home with them (base on their position in the alphabet)... Could they make and decorate a box (NO larger than shoebox, no smaller than a mathchbox) and fill it with a treat.  This is going to form our advent calendar for the year, hopefully like below...!

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